Driving off into the driving rain (Katie at helm, Jacob navigating), we are on the road to complete two back-to-back installations – “Riverbend” in the Academy for the Deaf in Faribault, MN & “?TBD?” in Grinnell Library, Iowa.

On the way, we will pick up Zev in Chicago, who is flying in from a photo gig in the CA desert.

1st stop (gas) was 6 hours out – in the armpit of America made famous by Joe Biden. True to the reputation, the bathroom was too sporco for use, so we look forward to stopping again soon…

In a master stroke of time management, we arrived at Arrivals at O’Hare absolutely concurrently with Zev. As part of an earlier team-building exercise at a way station, we had removed all the contents of the van and then put them back in in a way that resulted in exposing another seat. Zev did not have to break stride in his walk from the plane to step into the car as it arrived, and we in the car only came to a stop to let him in. Perfect.

Now we are seated at the Stockholm Inn (endorsed by the king & queen of Sweden and seating 759). You can see our van from here, of course).

EXACTLY 25 hours after leaving Spongy Manor, we arrived at the Academy.

Here is a aerial view of the campus (must have been taken in the last week or so) with a dot in front of the installation site.

The building is nearly done.

In the tall space behind the glass goes the glass art.

Other buildings on campus:

Altho’ the building where the installation will be is a dorm, it is not ready for occupancy.

Since there is no work possible until the morning we went to the River Bend Nature Center, after which the piece is named.

One thought on “Beginning Back to Back

  1. Thank you so much for all the work putting this onto the blog! It’s a fun read, even though I was there in person for part of it.

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