“Confluence” Completed

We will need to come back and do some photos from the corner in the Fall or Winter, when the leaves are off the tree. In the interim, here are some images. It is really eye catching to see the colors emerge as you go past the facade - especially at twilight.


Joined Zippie & Jim & friend for dinner celebration. Okay, so we simply ordered “one of everything on the menu” at the upscale resturant “Vedge” Dessert too! Excellent celebration of the 1st (paid) outdoor installation!

“Confluence” Converges!

With only the 2 high pieces in place from yesterday, we had a lot of work remaining for today (although we have until Thursday...) Looks like patchwork when in-progress. But with the templates down and the pieces of glass reaching to the corner to meet the river coming from the street side, the composition starts … Continue reading “Confluence” Converges!